Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Surviving the twitter OAuthcalypse on the commandline (using Ruby)

Surviving the twitter OAuthcalypse on the command line

In this article...

  • I try to cover how to use twitter apis from the (linux) commandline via OAuth using the ruby twitter gem


  • I'm a very light user of web services and social media in general
  • I have little knowledge of OAuth other than a general appreciation of what it is trying to do

Quick background...

I woke up to the OAuthcalypse today.

Up till now I had been using twitter in a very innocent, low-cal kind of way from the commandline (via an ungodly combination of curl and bash/shell utilities) and also from emacs. Both methods mysteriously failed today leaving me with blank screens and cryptic error messages.

Whilst I should have probably given up at this point and embraced one of the popular twitter services, I ended up instead, wasting half a day wrestling with OAuth in a bid to get my twitter commandline working again.

Ruby twitter gem

I've given up for the moment using shell utilities to access twitter like before the OAuthcalypse, although this might be possible. Instead, I'm going to use ruby which for me is rapidly turning into the new perl.

There are probably numerous libraries in ruby for doing twitter but I chose John Nunemaker's twitter gem

  • I found it helpful to get the actual source which I git cloned
    • this turned out to be useful because the source includes a number of example files that are worth looking at
  • That being done, I installed the twitter gem in the normal way
      gem install twitter
    • This will load several other gems; in my case:
      • oauth-0.4.2
      • hashie-0.2.2
      • crack-0.1.6
      • httparty-0.5.2
      • yajl-ruby-0.7.7
      • twitter-0.9.8
  • At this point you should be able to do a require 'twitter' successfully

OAuth Terminology

Just to be clear, here are the main protagonists in an OAuth exchange:

  • service is an oauth enabled web service like twitter
  • user is a person that has an account with a service and who is using a consumer (or app) to access that service
  • consumer - consumes a service; a consumer may itself be some sort of service or a client application that the user is using; the consumer has to use oauth protocols to access the user's information in service
  • app is alternative name for a consumer; I use both interchangeably

OAuth 1.0a and "out of band" (oob) processing

I'm going to cover the OAuth 1.0a process as it pertains to twitter and as best I can understand it after one day of head pounding.


Back to OAuth:

OAuth requires 3 sets of tokens; each set consists of a token and a shared secret:

  • Consumer token / secret ctoken/csecret
    • this is a once-only token and shared secret that identifies the app (consumer)
    • you only need one for your app; so once you get it, you stash it somewhere where your app can load it
    • in the case of twitter you can set up access privileges when setting these up; for twitter this is whether the consumer will have read-only or read/write access
    • you can go here to arrange twitter to generate the ctoken/csecret pair for you
      • twitter will require you to give it some information such as the application name and a description
        • interestingly, you can't leave the description blank and twitter doesn't like you putting in an app name that has 'twitter' in it; I think you are also required to put in a url for the app
        • I never had to bother with this when I was using my old commandline app with http auth api so I am wondering if this is the only way to proceed now
  • Request token / secret rtoken/rsecret
    • this is a transient token/secret pair that appears to represent the act of requesting an atoken/asecret pair; once you've used it to request an atoken/asecret pair (and hopefully succeeded), you can dump it
    • you need to present a valid ctoken/csecret pair to twitter before you can get a rtoken/rsecret pair
    • to "activate" this rtoken/rsecret pair the user is required to authenticate with the service (in the case of twitter via a specially crafted login url)
      • the user will be asked to login and then specify whether the consumer that initiated the request token should be allowed to proceed (allow or deny)
        • note: it may also be possible here to specify authorization privileges but in the case of twitter, this was done during the consumer token phase above
      • the user authenticates successfully and clicks 'allow',
      • because we're using out of band (oob) processing, the service will display a pin number; the user needs to (manually) give this to the app (our commandline twitter-gem based app) in order for it to proceed
        • the pin number is part of the "out of band" process flow; since we're trying to access twitter from the command line, we are very much out of band
  • Access token / secret atoken/asecret
    • the app uses the pin and the associated rtoken/rsecret pair from the previous step, to authenticate itself with the service; all going well, the service should provide an atoken/asecret pair
    • Once the app/consumer has an atoken/asecret pair, it can access the user's data from the service; this pair is acting like a substitute username/password.
      • note that the app/consumer never gets to see the real username/password of the user's account for the service and that the access pair can be easily revoked or set to expire

Using ruby twitter gem

Setting up config

  • If you looked at the examples section of the source for the twitter gem, there is a helpers/ directory containing config_store.rb
    • This defines a small class called ConfigStore that can be configured to load information (such as stored tokens) from a yaml file
    • Here's an example yaml file
        ctoken: random-string-of-characters
        csecret: random-string-of-characters
        atoken: random-string-of-characters
        asecret: random-string-of-characters
    • You'll need to set ctoken and csecret by visiting twitter to register your application.
    • You won't be able to set atoken or asecret; these will be stored by ConfigStore when you do a successful authentication so leave these out for now
    • I use a slightly modified version of config_store.rb which I copied from examples/ into my directory of choice

Managing an OAuth session

The first thing we've got to do is manage an OAuth session.

I've managed to boil it down to one of two routes:

  • if you don't have a valid atoken/asecret, the you'll need to do a "full login" which means requesting an rtoken/rsecret pair and then getting a pin out-of-band and feeding it back to our commandline app
  • if we have a valid atoken/asecret, then we can skip the above rigmarole and access the service directly since the atoken/asecret is acting like a temporary username/password.

I've encapsulated this behaviour in a TwitterSession class:

require 'twitter'
require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'config_store')
require 'pp'

# Handles OAuth authentication with twitter.
# @config must already contain a valid 'ctoken' and 'csecret'
# which you can get from twitter:

class TwitterSession

  attr_reader :oauth,:config

  def initialize config
    @config =

    # Request rtoken/rsecret and login url from service:
    @oauth =['ctoken'], @config['csecret'])
    @config.update({ 'rtoken'  => @oauth.request_token.token,
                     'rsecret' => @oauth.request_token.secret, })

  # Request new atoken.
  # @config must already contain a valid 'ctoken' and 'csecret'
  # which you can get from twitter:
  # You will need to do an out-of-band process which
  # will load a browser (lynx) to log the user into
  # twitter and which will provide a pin.

  def login

    # Get user to login and allow the consumer to proceed:
    #%x(firefox #{@oauth.request_token.authorize_url})
    system %{lynx #{@oauth.request_token.authorize_url}}

    STDOUT.print "> what was the PIN twitter provided you with? "
    pin = STDIN.gets.chomp

    @config.update({ 'atoken'  => @oauth.access_token.token,
                     'asecret' => @oauth.access_token.secret,
                   }).delete('rtoken', 'rsecret')

  # Login with existing atoken.

  def login_with_atoken
    if(@config['atoken'] && @config['asecret'])
      @oauth.authorize_from_access(@config['atoken'], @config['asecret'])


In the above file:

  • In addition to requiring the twitter gem, I also require my version of config_store.rb which is almost identical to the one in examples/
  • we initialize TwitterSession by giving it a name of the config store
    • I have multiple accounts which, for the moment, I'll manage in separate stores and which we will instantiate separate TwitterSession instances for
  • intialize makes an oauth call to get the request token/secret pair
  • login is the full login method
    • it uses ruby's system to call lynx which loads up the authentication/authorization page on twitter where we will get the pin; this will all get done in the same console;
    • we copy the pin to the clipboard
    • we then quit lynx
    • the procedure will then ask for the pin and read it from STDIN
    • login will then attempt to get atoken/asecret using the rtoken/rsecret pair and associated pin
  • login_with_atoken is the quick login method which will only work if you have an existing valid atoken/asecret in your config store
    • You'll be able to run this most of the time after doing a single login.

Getting your timeline

We take the above TwitterSession class and use it like so:

require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'session')
sess ="/home/danb/twitter2/config_store")

# Force full login if we specify -l on commandline.
if ARGV[0]=='-l'

client =
pp client.user_timeline

In the above file:

  • I require session.rb which houses TwitterSession.
  • I pass in a yaml file to TwitterSession which represents a config store for my particular twitter account.